Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It was easy to think that my mission trip to Taiwan in 2007 would be like my other mission trips. Not in circumstances or experiences but seeing that people, even in different countries, are in fact people just like me. We all breathe, love, work at jobs, some love the Lord, others don't. Little did I kow that my Taiwan mission trip would be one that I would live and re-live every day.

Since January 2008, my heart and mind knew that I would return or at least that was my desire. But was it the Lords desire? This is where I had to pray and trust God for His answer.

A need from Taiwan came. Matthew 9:37-38 "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send out more workers for His fields." With each need that came from there, God prepared me a little more - moving me to a retirement date. Soon, in prayer, a date was established. AUGUST 7 is my retirement date and August 26 is when I will return to Taiwan, to the Home of Gods Love orphanage. It is there that I will serve the Lord, serving the people and kids who have come to the orphanage for whatever reason. They will be loved, taught God's word and hopefully will find Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I will share my journey as it unfolds. Right now God is still preparing me for that journey.


  1. Diana, I am soooo excited for you! I remember when you were trying to figure out when you would retire, what you would do, where you would go, what was God's plan for your life? And now look! It is now His time and it is your time! You have been faithful and He is always faithful to complete the work He has started in you. Congratulations my friend! I know we haven't been as close as we used to be, and we haven't talked like we used to; but you are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for remembering me at this time. For me, the only thing better than knowing where you are, how you are serving, and even the sights and smells of the neighborhood, would be for me to be there with you...serving God's people there. It is a beautiful place with beautiful people. I will regularly get out my scrapbook of my trip there and know exactly where you are. Please know I will pray for you and your team. Please keep me up to date so I can know how to pray. We have always talked about God's goodness and our journey with Him. I will prayerfully join you on this journey. God bless you my friend. I love you, Diane

  2. Best wishes on your journey. Our baby girl is at THOGL. She is Libby. We have a few months still before we can bring her home. Please let her know that her Momma and Daddy are coming for her as soon as possible : )

    God bless you
