Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thank you so much for all your prayers. So many times when I’ve needed it the most, I am renewed in my strength or feel uplifted emotionally. I stop and thank my God for answering your prayers for me.

The days are going by fast. It is very hot and humid, but what would one expect from a sub-tropical island like Taiwan…

On a walk one day, Jessica, Becca and I discovered a grove of banana trees. Seriously, we thought someone came in and planted them because we hadn’t seen them there before. Now you would think that 3 girls from the Midwest would have noticed these banana trees. But there are so many new things to see. There is a nice park just a few blocks away. These ducks came right up to me as I stood gazing at the lake and its beautiful scenery.

The town of Lo-Tung is about 50 – 60 thousand population. In the hustle and bustle of Lo-Tung, there is a market that consists of shops and vendors selling all kinds of things. I walked a block and found it was way too busy for me. Beside the market is a nice quiet park so I strolled through listening to the birds chirping and took in the beautiful nature that just sat there in its quietness.

I’d like to tell you about one of the babies here at the Home of Gods Love. She is Down Syndrome and I just love her to pieces. The first day, I was nervous about holding her – then someone gave me her food and said “Wouldn’t you like to feed her”. Well, I did and by the time my nervous hands were done, I think she had more inside her than outside. She had smiles at the end of her feeding so I knew all was well with her. But then she always laughs and smiles. Her world, it would seem, is made of roses and sunshine for she is such a happy baby. I asked her to give lessons to the other babies when they aren’t feeling so happy. To that she just smiled.

God has taught me in these few short days that when you think you are going through a rough time, if you look, you will see the roses and sunshine just like this sweet baby does.

Someone asked if I had tried any new foods yet. I have had lots of white rice, some really good white fish, green vegetables like stems from the Elephant Ear plant and sweet potato leaves, and lots of fresh fruit: about what I had expected to eat. A couple of days ago they had squid and NO I didn’t try any. I’ve had McDonalds twice ( thanks to Show Hwa), poached eggs with toast and lots of Cheerios. Today Anna took me to the grocery store and I bought a few more Americanized foods like tuna, potato chips, potatoes for baked potatoes with lettuce salad. UMMMM.

My devotion yesterday was from Numbers 6:24-26.
The Lord Bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

Many Blessings from our Lord Jesus to each of you.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome nan! I love hearing your stories and how God shines through them all.
