Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life Is Like A Coin

Life is like a coin - you can spend it any way you want but you can only spend it once!

This phrase was sent to me and as I pondered it, I was reminded that Life is not something that simply happens to people. Who and where we are today is determined by the choices we have made on this journey of life.

When we turn our thoughts, words and what we do to God for His guidance, we remain in the center of His will. By not adjusting to the Lord's will, we will miss out on His best. As believers, we should never settle for less than God's best. Psalm 84:11

Seek His guidance on what He wants you to achieve. Ask - "Will this bring glory to God? Will it develop Christ's character in me?" When we focus beyond ourselves, fixing our thoughts and eyes on Jesus, we can trust that our path will be straight every step of the way. Proverbs 3:5-6
By following God's direction on our journey, we will experience spiritual peace, joy and contentment as only He can give.

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